Gratis NVF Webinar [English] | Phytomedicines in pediatric health care | 14 november 2023

Wist je dat er voor 14 november een nieuw gratis webinar gepland staat over kruidenmiddelen in de kindergeneeskunde? De Nederlandse Vereniging voor Fytotherapie (NVF) kondigt haar tweede webinar van een serie aan: ‘Therapie excellentie voor zorgverleners’, waarin kinderartsen hun ervaringen delen. Lees hieronder hun Engelse aankondiging.

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November 14 2023
19:00-20:45 h. (CET)


In this free webinar three national and international speakers will update you on the therapeutic potential of phytomedicines for children. Dr. Mercedes Ogal, Paediatric Specialist in Brunnen (CH), Dutch pediatrician Ines von Rosenstiel, Rijnstate Hospital Arnhem and farmacognost dr. Stephan Horsten will update you on the latest developments regarding the use of phytomedicines in pediatric care. Phytopharmaceuticals can be successfully applied to several common pediatric ailments, such as airway infections and gastro-intestinal upset.


19:00-19:30: Lecture Phytotherapy and integrative health careSpeaker: drs. Ines von Rosenstiel. After a career of paediatric intensive care at the Academic Medical Center (AMC) in Amsterdam , Ines currently works as a general pediatrician in Rijnstate hospital, Arnhem, the Netherlands with a special focus on lifestyle and integrative medicine in pediatrics and adult oncology. She is focusing on the best ways to improve the health of her patients and the challenge caring how best to support them in a holistic way. One of her spearheads is the implementation of integrative medicine in the Dutch health system.

19:30-20:00: Lecture Echinacea to prevent antibiotic use in the pediatric population. Speaker: dr. Mercedes Ogal. Mercedes Ogal is working as a specialized integrative pediatrician since 19 years in a pediatric medical practice in Central Switzerland. She developed her deep knowledge in complementary medicine since 1991 in acupuncture, homeopathy, phytotherapy, medical hypnosis and orthomolecular medicine and owns certificates in acupuncture – traditional chinese medicine, medical hypnosis, psychosomatic and psychosocial medicine and pediatric palliative care. Furthermore Dr. Mercedes Ogal is author of publications and speaker on various national and international lectures and conferences.

20:00-20:30: Lecture from pharmacognost dr. Stephan Horsten.

20:30-20:45Q&A with all speakers.

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